Welcome – 2021
Oops! Things have moved on since we set up this website and although it’s fine as far as it goes, it’s now rather out-of-date.
If you’re reading this, then we haven’t had time to fully update it, but we’re on it now!
Many apologies – you’re still very welcome, but please just remember that the some of the text dates from 2015! Thank you! How time flies!
We currently have three grown-up Borders. Tango who is very dear, but somewhat aged. She’s going blind and is really quite deaf. She’s Wheaten. Then there’s Cassie who has retired as a breeding bitch. She’s a blue and mother of Ella who is the baby of the three. Ella is a Red Grizzle and she had her first litter in 2021. Sadly, our cats have all passed on, so our pups no longer have the benefit of meeting a cat before they leave us.

Welcome – 2015
This website started out as a way to show our children, who were away at school, (and are now at uni), how our litter of puppies was getting on in their absence. It has subsequently turned into a useful tool to allow us to show friends and family and anyone else who’s interested what the puppies look like.
We have now revised it because it was getting too unwieldy and so all the main puppy pages are listed below with the latest litter at the top of the list.
We currently have three adult Borders, a boy called Cracker and his ex wife called Tango and Cassie who we think of as ‘the puppy’ even though she is two years old. Cassie had her second litter on 9th August this year (2015) – see below.
Cracker’s Granny was our first Border and whose temperament was so wonderful that, even though we never intended to breed, made us want to preserve the line. We have had a total of ten litters in 19 years, of which seven have been over the last five years. When the children were younger it was quite tricky and somewhat stressful having both puppies and children in the house at the same time but now it is much more manageable!
In early 2010 we acquired our own kennel name from the Kennel Club ‘Corklecombe’ and I became a member of the Kennel Club Accredited Breeders Scheme. I am also a member of the Southern Border Terrier Club.
The pups are born in our kitchen, often on the sofa (!), and then brought up in the kitchen/diner in their own run. Our children tend to cuddle them a lot once they are old enough and they get very well used to all the domestic noises of Hoovers, whistling kettles, stereos and dustmen as well as having to share the space with the cats.
The menu contains links to pages of photos of each of the recent litters. Some of these pages lead to others where happy owners have sent us pictures back to show us how the pups are getting on or we have taken photos of them if they have come back for a visit.
Cracker is a very proud Father and is occasionally persuaded to be unfaithful with other Borders to whom he takes a fancy! Sadly, he is unlikely to have any more litters ‘in house’ as Tango’s breeding days are over and he obviously won’t be having puppies with his daughter Cassie!